Dear Readers,
I will be on vacation from about 18 November to 10 December 2009, so during that time I expect my content here at the blog will be a bit on the light side.
Are you interested in submitting a potential guest post to me for consideration? If it fits good with the subject matter of this blog, I would love to schedule it for posting during my vacation time.
It doesn’t have to be totally history-related. For example, with Christmas coming up it could be something about German or Austrian Christmas traditions.
If you have a topic idea, feel free to e-mail me or post a comment here. In case you want to e-mail, I’ll obscure my e-mail address here a bit to avoid e-mail address harvesters: it’s my name (“bill”) at the name of this domain, which as you know is “germanhistoryblog” dot com.
Until next time,
Bill Dawson
This is a guest post from Bill Dawson, who writes regularly about topics concerning German History. Given the upcoming anniversary, he is spending a lot of time particularly on the topic of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. [etc…]